Sunday, July 17, 2011

Women are not equal to men....?

The first reason is; because most are not physically strong as a man, second when they have sex with a guy the ones getting ****** are them and you can tell the wear that by the wear of their vagina through the years. A man's penis on the other hand never depicts wearing. That's the reason they need protection from a guy so they wont wear out too And the ones that don't have an apple bottom , curves and boobs usually a nerdy and depressed and try to stay optimistic every morning they wake up. I n reality women don't want to be women because it sucks in a man's world. And if they have good physical assets they're only good for getting help on the homework from a handsome smarty pants or professor. In the long run they utilize those physical assets to get hooked up with someone wealthy so they wont work too hard any more or did they ever?

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