Monday, July 18, 2011
What causes unexpected orgasms?
In the past week I have had 2 unexpected orgasms and I don't know why they happened. The first one happened while I was using the restroom ((bad stomachache)) the second one occurred two days later while I was in the kitchen preparing dinner. I know for a fact that it couldn't have been my underwear ((i don't wear any at home...just female boxer shorts or a large T-shirt)) and I wasn't thinking of anything in particular. I will say that they both felt freaking awesome, they just caught me off guard and I have no idea why they happened. I'm open to hearing anyone's theory...
Sunday, July 17, 2011
I've just brought some American candy.?
I've got the same thing here in Canada, but don't have it with me now.. So, yes, I do want that candy ;)
Did I have my period?
I am almost 13 and i wear a 34a...almost a b. And about 2 months ago i got this big brown spot in my underwear, but it only happened that one day. I did this thing where i hang a pencil over my wrist and it goes in a straight line if i will have a boy and a circle if i will have a girl...and it worked...but then two of my friends who has never had anything like i did and they tried the pencil trick and it didn't do anything. i am not sure if i had it or not!!!!! please help me i am afraid it will happen ago when i am swimming.
POLL: How optimistic are you about the future?
i love the USA and i hope for the best for this country but im maybe a little concerned with things going on currently..? what do u think?
Stardust dragon or 1 each of the new dragunity knights?
ok so im definitely going to order a five headed dragon and imperial iron wall but i cant decide weather to get stardust dragon or 1 each of dragunity knight trident and barcha. now don't say get all 3 cause i can im ordering from troll and toad so i can either order a stardust or 1 each of the new dragunity knights wich should i go with.
Can somebody tell me that what color of undergarments are suitable under dark and light colour clothes?
I was wondering after reading many comments.Some people said that " if you wear same colour underwear under same colour pant underwear will be visible". So, i was thinking that is there any chart or phenomena of wearing garments according to the clothes.So, garments will not be visible.?
Why does everyone assume that Scientology is such a bad religion?
All religion, in the very concept of group think, is abhorrent. Scientology even is founded based on religion being a ludicrous concept in the first world, yet it plays to that role. Replacing an addiction is not a cure. The philosophy of how it benefits people failed as soon as it joined the rat race.
Is she pregnant, please help me out?
so me and my girlfriend were messing around.she didnt have pants or underwear on but i was fully my shorts were touching her vagina.i was thrusting and as soon as i felt like i started to *** i got shorts might have been alittle wet but if so not enough for me to really remember it.but im kinda freakin out abit. what do you think?
Girlfriend said that my underwear can be called knickers?
a girlfriend calls the type of underwear i wear knickers. i'm meaning boys high cut knickers with a thin bit of elastic round the sides,not girls type. i'm used to her saying to me get your knickers on, or something. now i've started calling them knickers too. do many girls use this term for boys underwear? she said they can be called that, and said it sounds more cute with me? what does she mean?
Why do I like to eat goat?
to eat goat while listing to satanic music in my underwear so much. I just can't help myself when I come home in the morning just before the sun comes up I always like to just take off my pants, shirt and socks, get my goat and just chill to the sounds of Angelcorpse before the sun comes up and I have to get in my coffin for a rest.
Does anyone care enough to read all of this and give me advice please :(?
WTF DUDE. too much to read. that's one thing you gotta know. most girls look for a guy who's opinionated and more importantly A GOOD LISTENER. less talk more listen plenty thoughts firm opinion. shorten this thesis and get to the point please
Periods, Mums and Shaved Crotch...?
Okay, I think I just started my period. If I tell my mum she might wanna look (I know :P) but the thing is, I tried shaving down there and she's completely against it. She doesn't know I did it, but if she looks for any reason she's gonna see it. :S What do I do here? Also I didn't feel anything. No pain, no cramps, my underwear just felt sticky so I checked and boom, red/brown gunk. Sorry for the TMI :L
Women are not equal to men....?
The first reason is; because most are not physically strong as a man, second when they have sex with a guy the ones getting ****** are them and you can tell the wear that by the wear of their vagina through the years. A man's penis on the other hand never depicts wearing. That's the reason they need protection from a guy so they wont wear out too And the ones that don't have an apple bottom , curves and boobs usually a nerdy and depressed and try to stay optimistic every morning they wake up. I n reality women don't want to be women because it sucks in a man's world. And if they have good physical assets they're only good for getting help on the homework from a handsome smarty pants or professor. In the long run they utilize those physical assets to get hooked up with someone wealthy so they wont work too hard any more or did they ever?
Anyone have any epic party ideas?
So I'm turning 17 in three months and I really want to do something fun because last year I didn't do anything and I feel bad that I didn't get a cool sweet sixteen party kinda thing. This year I have money to do something I'm just not sure what. I have a lot of friends who will kill me if they aren’t invited so it has to be something that many people can go to. We love to dance and be insane. My house is small but our back yard is huge, it is also woods. I have a lot of friends who I love and who love me, but don't actually get along with each other, also I have guy friends and a boyfriend who would be there. Lol so the girly slumber party where we jump around in our underwear during a pillow fight probably wouldn't work. lol I thought I would include that just because. Any ideas are welcome thanks!!!
Webpage error details?
Update your Internet Explorer or use another browser. Alternatively you can try another YouTube domain than .com
Dragunity Deck Rate/Fix out of 10?
dont listen to that loser you will ruin the point of a dragunity deck meaning unity between dragons with winged beast not just dragons and dragons geez
My 4year old has white stuff in her underwear?
She is 4, she showed me that she has white stuff in a few pairs of her dirty underwear. I was wondering if this could be a yeast infection? Should i take her to the er about this or just the doctor? Also if it is a yeast infection what is some things i can do to help her at home?
C-section or natural with an epidural?
Well it may be possible the baby gets back in place so be patient and tru not to worry so the baby dont feel it. Its always better tohave the baby natural with no epidoral ..yes the pain is gonna be much stronger but I promise it goes away right after the baby is out and the process is shorter to epidoral that can have u in labor for hours. Everything happens for a reason and if u need a csection well you will need epidoral regardless but u wont feel a thing and if ur strong ull get better quickly. And yes ull have yo be without a panty regardless...! Good Luck
I think my dog might've swallowed gum...?
I'm at work right now and my bf was watching our 15lbs dog. He went to the gym and when he came back he found trident pack empty cause the dog got into my purse. Well I know for a fact there was none left in that pack but a few mightve fell into my purse. Not sure what the hell happened but if he did ate a few pieces can he die from it??
PLZ answer! Blood or spotting?
Sounds more like spotting to me, but also a UTI and medication for a UTI can change your urine color due to your urinary tract is upset, and it upset can change it's color. Most UTI meds should also say color change in urine is a side effect as well
What is this video game?
My friend is trying to remember a video game he used to play a few years ago. He can remember the character is a small devil guy with a trident and apparently he can produce and ignite gunpowder with it. It's a 3rd person game so you can only see this guy's back. He also remembers one part of a level, where he's in a hall with some shadows and he has to pass through this place which is full of black creatures trying to eat him. And the game isn't very colourful. I know it's not a lot of details, but I hope someone knows what I'm talking about. Thanks in advance!
UK: Can we count on your vote?
Sounds good, invite James Corden and Jonathon woss and you can count on my vote. I do like a party thats well connected to the giants of entertainment
Is this a good meal plan for weight loss? Please help me out?
You will lose weight but not the healthy way and its less likely to stay off, u are eating below the minimum calories for your body to function properly which is 1200 for women im not too sure for men but seriously go on here, they have all sorts of calculators that will tell you how many calories you as an individual need per day to lose weight...and it will be alot more than your eating so its win win
What does this mean, does he want to see me?
Well this could depend on his living situation. If he lives with his parents he may be respecting their house. If he lives in an apartment he could get in trouble if someone sees someone living there for a week or more. Or it could be he is just really shy about where he lives and he wants to see you more face to face before he would be comfortable showing you where he lives, well how he lives what his living space looks like.
Dog ate Xylitol.. Help!?
She could still have liver failure. You're not going to see gum in her poop -- it's not rubber bands.
Is this a good yu-gi-oh trade for me?
it depends if u want a fair money wise trade for them or just if u need them.... if you want it money wise go to yugico to see how much it is and make ur decisioon from that....if its if u need them its up to u
Is sending this illegal?
If it would be legal to walk down the street showing whatever is in the picture, it is legal to send the picture to anyone.
Of all the failures of Carter being repeated by Obama, is this the worst one?
obama proved today that he is no leader when he blamed his failures on congress. if he was a leader he would have taken the blame and then said things would get done for the country and the people, but sadly he played politics instead. he is a failure as a leader
I'm scared of an unwanted pregnancy, advice?
I am very concerned about a potential pregnancy. At the beginning of this month, I had genital contact with a guy but absolutely no penetration or ejaculation. However, I've calculated that I was ovulating at that time and I'm worried about pre-*** being a factor. My period was about a month and 5 days ago and I typically am on a 28-35 day cycle so I'm not completely late but I'm getting more scared as each day passes. I've also been feeling some symptoms: back aches and frequent urination/constipation. My only optimistic thought is that they could be caused by the overwhelming anxiety I feel. I'm so scared and want to know if I have a good chance of being pregnant and whether it would be too early to take a pregnancy test (it's been 20 days since the genital contact)
I definitely like "Your Majesty, GO TO HELL" and what another poster said is perfect in my opinion: The Prince can Ki$$ My A$$. those titles will grab people's attention
Is this schizophrenia or what?
Go to your doctor and seek help. The medication they give out WILL help you, they're there for a good reason and won't harm you at all, they'll just make you feel better, or at least help you to control how you're feeling. I'm not sure if what you've described is exactly "Schizophrenia", rather like EXTREME paranoia and anxiety issues (I might be wrong though, I haven't been learning about schizophrenia for too long) but it doesn't sound like what gets described in class. Sorry, but whatever it is, is not normal and you should ask someone for help- personally I wouldn't want to feel so paranoid all the time, and I doubt you do either. Good luck, and I hope you manage to get better. Take care x
Saturday, July 16, 2011
My friend thinks that I am mad at her but I can honestly say that I am not!?
So I had my friend over this weekend and it was awesome. We had a great time. I'm moving away though, so lately she's been hanging out with other people and honestly I am okay with that. But lately she seems to be ignoring me and we only had a sleepover...3 nights ago! She is hanging out with the popular clique, and she says that she thinks that I'm mad at her. I don't want to be gloomy or sad. I've just been having a hard time with exams and that stuff coming up. She keeps asking me if I'm okay. We used to tell each other everything, and up until two days ago, we did. I'm so confused..What do I do to make her know that I am not mad at her. I have already explained this and told her that I am not but she doesn't believe me. I don't want to be a gloomy person, in fact, I'm pretty optimistic. I'm just moving and have nobody to talk to, so it is understandable that I am not too happy, right?? I don't know what to do. How do I get things back to normal?
Is it normal to be Happier on your period?
Yeah, it's normal. I feel extra happy a lot of times too, I think it's just hormones or something. :)
Tampons still leak even when they come out clean?
ok i know this sounds crazy but i have heard of this....i saw on tv or maybe i read it sorry im not sure but of woman who no matter what they did still bled. well all the women with this issue had two vaginas. now that may not be your issue...but its more common then women think and it could be a possibility. your gyno will know more! hope i didnt blow your mind but i just had to comment bc thats the same thing the women on the show were saying!
How do I put on a pantyliner?
Nothing's wrong with it. You seemed to have put it on the right way, if you want play around withe the location of it till you feel comfortable or get a new brand. I like Kotex, it's cushion-y but thin.
Help, I feel so lost in life...?
I'm a recent high school graduate but i'm not blowing up like most of my friends who are optimistic about the future and etc...And no im not going to college university straight off so i dont kno what to do. My dad was a scholastic hot-shot but i feel im different. i worry about getting a good career (or at least a good start) and making a living.
Diagnosed yesterday with genital herpes?
How's ur bf taking this? I think he may have lied to u. Unless he got it from birth or something, and he wouldnt b able to live that long w/it.
Please help! Is this normal?
Its pretty normal. Its because when you masturbate it makes u release that gooey stuff. It happens to me too.
Can someone rate and fix my yugioh deck please?
Change book of moon, and burial from DD with 2 smashing ground, it helps when you have some bad hand, dark hole with lightning vortex, torential with magic cylinder, good luck ! But please tell me if I gave you some bad help, okay ?
Questions about A&F's "Gilly Hicks" brand?
I want to order stuff from them online, because I don't have a G.H store near me. So what are their sizes like? I just want to order a hoodie and a few shirts and maybe some underwear. I wear a medium in hoodies at Hollister and an XS in shirts, would I wear those sizes in G.H too?
In your opinion, what is the best thing about being able to move across the country and start anew be?
Im going to be a senior in HS next year and we're moving across the country. I'm extremely nervous but also excited for a new adventure. Any optimistic or uplifting advice, thoughts, experiences would be awesome!! :) thank you!
Wearing the infamous hospital gown?
When wearing a hospital gown with underwear (tighty whities) underneath,do the tighty whities (briefs)have to come off when receiving an injection in the butt? I've been told they will have to come off for the injection,is this true that they have to come off?
How do i stop my chewing gum addiction?
i chew at least a pack of trident tropical twist everyday. sometimes i'll even 2 chew packs in a day. what i do is i chew a piece for a few minutes, then when it's not as sweet anymore, i spit it out and pop in a new piece. i know this must be horrible for my jaw. how can i stop this addiction? if i'm home, i'm always chewing gum after a meal. i don't know if it's an oral fixation or what.
Is she using me or just confused?!?(repost)?
I'm sorry ditch her. You sound like the perfect guy. Your upfront and your not afraid to ask about the relationship stuff. Most guys are. Honestly I know its hard but it sounds like she's just going to string you along more. And there's obviously a reason she gets dumped a lot you may have found it. She may comitment issuses idk but I know you can find some one else bcuz you sound perfect. Lol
Would you consider yourself cynical or optimistic?
I am 100% optimistic! Why should I waste my time being cynical when there is a 75% chance that I could have a massive heart attack and die at any given moment? If that doesn't happen, then I will likely be killed in a drive-by shooting. My extreme optimism tells me that none of those bad things will ever happen to me. It's more likely that I will die after slipping in the shower and hitting my head on a hard, blunt surface. I say live each day like it will be your last, because there’s a pretty good chance that it will be your last.
Is sugar alcohol addictive?
I mean like in certain gums, trident, stride, orbit, etc. I seem to always need these types of gum...and get highly irritated when I don't have them. Is this the sugar alcohol, what makes up this type of alcohol anyways? What do i find so addictive about gum?
Why do guys wear underwear under there swimsuits?
I have noticed when I take my kids swimming. Adults, lifeguards, teenagers and kids wear boxers or boxerbriefs under there seimsuits. Do you do that or have noticed it. Why would people do that.
Those who oppose people who smoke, do you know people who don't smoke die too?
Funny little detail some seem to leave out. Not really an optimistic statement, but it's true. Just because you don't smoke doesn't mean your gonna live to your full potential lifespan.
Question about my.... Easy points?
Ok whenever I have a erection that lasts for more than 30 mins how come my underwear gets wet, I didn't wet myslelf it's just wet. ( I don't watch porn or jack off so I don't know.)
Rate fix warrior sync yugioh deck?
id add a black rose dragon summon marauding special summon rose too easy :D take out 1 junk gardna its not that useful
Should i ask this girl out?
I am a girl, and I say yes. If you think she likes you she most likely does. You should go ask her and if she rejects than its her problem. I know this is short, but I think its the best advice I can give right now.
Im 35 , unemployed , i want to train as a car mechanic . i have took the assessment test at trident warwick ,?
MY GCSE grades are , eng - D , art & design - D , Double Science - FF Geography - E . I have toured the college took the test felt good, Then just before i left the advisor told me my application may be a too late for this sept as interviews are already underway ? why ask me to phase 1 of the application proccess ? anyone else had this said to them /. shud i be worried? thanks
Friday, July 15, 2011
Girlfriend said that my underwear can be called knickers?
a girlfriend calls the type of underwear i wear knickers. i'm meaning boys high cut knickers with a thin bit of elastic round the sides,not girls type. i'm used to her saying to me get your knickers on, or something. now i've started calling them knickers too. do many girls use this term for boys underwear? she said they can be called that, and said it sounds more cute with me? what does she mean?
You are the anchorman, what is your lead story?
You have just been hired as the lead anchor for a major metropolitan news station. On the way back to the station one day (you've been out buying new suits), you are ambushed by your competing local anchors. After a fight involving horses, a man on fire, and you killing a man with a trident, you finally arrive back at the news desk. Unfortunately, you're late. You have to go on. Now. You don't have time to review the evening's material, so like a true pro you are going to make up the news off the top of your head. Just for kicks (and also due to the fact that you were hit over the head with a space heater) you decide that your top story will be a doozy. What is it? *Note: It can't involve pandas*
How do you get gum out of your retainer?
I was chewing Trident and I forgot to take my invisaline out. Brand new pair. Mum's going to kill me. Please help!!!
Rate/Fix dragunity deck?
one terraforming is enough try monster reincarnation or two also i use red eyes darkness dragon a lot its great for swarming and dark bribes arent worth giving ur opponent cards try warning or trap stun
Im 11 and i have heavy discharge before my first period?!?
Ok.. Im 11 and had normal clear discharge for already 3-6 months.. and a week ago i noticed some heavy discharge and i wear a pantiliner so its doesnt get on my underwear but its kinda watery only kinda... and its kinda heavy.. i can feel it coming out and no odor and no pain.. just discharge... i'm a virgin no outercourse neither... am i pregnant, yeast infection , or period coming? HELP!
How do I help my guy friend with his crush (without breaking my own heart)?
I'm sure you know there's a big difference between knowing your heart's going to get broken and it actually happening. I think all you can do is be there for him if it all goes wrong. You could talk to your female friend and explain it's ok if she does like him, she may be ignoring her true feelings if she's worried about hurting you, or maybe she doesn't like him at all. Either way you seem determined to stay close to him, which yes does mean you're a good friend, but also means you won't be getting over him anytime soon. I'd just be there as best as you can, but if you realise it's too painful don't think there's anything wrong with taking a step back. All the best :)
Please Help! I really need it!?
Ok. So I got my first period like 6 months ago. It was fine like I didn't get cramps or anything but it lasted 28 days. Then on my next same and again. Then it stopped stopping like it didn't stop. Well it stopped like 20 days ago and has stayed stopped but yesterday I got it again and it hurts so bad I have cramps and my flow is so heavy that i am filling up an overnight pad in like 30 minutes. i wore a tampon and in bled threw a tampon, pantyliner, underwear and jeans. I hurt so bad. What should i do. has your period ever been this irregular?
Was told i might be having a miscarriage but positive test? advice needed!!?
I went through the same thing as you and i had a miscarrige and still got a positive answer! if u passed a blood clot chances are u miscarried! i hope u didnt though i will pray for u and best wishes! just remember every woman and pregnancy is different!
Can anything happen if you just dry hump?
My girlfriend I dry hump and her period only came in for two days? Is that a bad sign? But anyway a few weeks ago we dry hump an im not sure if my seam@n went in her, because when we were drying humping and when we were done there was like a big white thing on my thing. But she was wet like crazy. So should I be worry on anything? Because I didn’t had sex with her an we had our underwear on. Soo yea
How can I be supportive to my girlfriend (a rape victim) while still maintaining my independence?
I have been dating a girl for around 3 weeks and we really seem to have a connection. We share a lot of the same interests, both have an easy going personality, and have a lot of physical/sexual chemistry. She seems to be a great girl but is giving signs of being a little bit needy. She wants to hang out with me almost every day which is too much for me. I am a person that values my alone time and independence a great deal. I enjoy spending time with her..just not every day. She revealed to me toward the beginning of our relationship that she was a rape victim and also the victim of a separate incidence of sexual assault. I really feel for her because she is a great girl who has had some very bad luck during her lifetime. Despite all of her hardships she is an optimistic and fun person with a lot of strength. I have the utmost respect and admiration for her. I feel a connection with her. I just fear that her needyness may drive us apart. I know that rape victims often have a hard time being alone so I'm sure this has something to do with the situation. I want to make this relationship work if at all possible. What are some things i can do to be supportive while not being smothered?
Am i pregnant? no penetration but weird brown discharge?
so two days ago my bf and i were fooling around. i was giving him a handjob and although he didnt ejaculate i stopped when i saw that his hole was a little wet. later, he fingered me for the first time and it hurt a lot but i still got kinda wet, staining the first layer of my underwear a little but not completely through. later, we started makin out and i felt him lightly rubbing his penis on my undies, the only thing separating us. afterwards, when we cuddled, he asked if he could put his penis against my butt and i said yes. it didnt feel wet. yesterday, i got some blackish stuff on my underwear and today, i noticed dry brown discharge? the day we fooled around was also the 7th day of my period so there was prety much no blood. what are the chances that im pregnant?
Im 10 and going through puberty and having watery discharge?
Okay.. so i have really heavy watery discharge :P i wear pantiliners and they go thru my pantiliners and on my underwear... but i wanted to know if is my period coming soon like a month or so (please tell me about your experience) or i already had normal white discharge for 3-6 months.. and im thinking that my discharge is about to be over thats why only clear water type discharge is coming out.. I think i'll be starting spotting (Brownish Discharge) soon thats why my discharge is getting over with.. am i right.. please answer all the questions :)
Am I pregnant? HELP!!?
My period was irregular for the most of my teen years, now I'm soon to be 22 years old and my period seems to be regular now on about an average of 28 days. By irregularity, I tend to have frequent periods like 2 times in one month or 1 time in one month. All I know is that I always have my period at the last 2 weeks of every months. My last period was on June 1, 2011. I am supposed to be expecting a period sometime this week and I know when I am about to have my period, I would have sore breasts, bloating, and cramp before I actually get my period. I have none of that yet. I just got a little bit sick last Tuesday in the evening out of blue and felt like I want to throw up. I was trying to refrain myself from vomiting until it passed about half hour later. I felt a little bit of cramp but not period-like cramp and fluttering. Before that, I kept noticing that I have very wet clear discharge on my underwear that I had to use pantiliner to absorb the fluid few days before I felt sick. I had dull headache, I went to bathroom little bit more frequently than before. It could be the water that I've been drinking. I did some researches about pregnancy and some of the symptoms fit me but I'm afraid that it could be something else. My boyfriend and I had sex every weekends for an entire month so far. We had been careful with condoms and few unprotected sex (withdrawal prior to ejactulating). I still feel like something is doing something in my belly. It's highly unusual to me. I don't have sore breast and I am about 2 days late! Usually when I'm about to have period, I start off with brown discharge but NO period so far. I never gone on without having period that long. I'm concerned that I could be possibly pregnant. Am I pregnant? I am planning on taking a pregnancy test this Friday so is it too early to take the test or should I wait a little bit longer? I value your opinions. Thanks!
ask him y worry were all only her once. but i would defo say he does txt sound a little bit cheesy tho lol ! !
Is this girl playing my *** or could she really care!?!? :/?
.Lots of questions here dude.Sorry I don't have a crystal ball but it seems you're ready to settle down.Whereas she's not wanting to become a mother hen yet.So be patient and wait
If you have you might have read on that on the box that it say PHENYLKETONURICS: CONTAINS PHENYLALANINE i read about it and it has links to some pretty severe mental and physical health problems. What do you know about this?
How did that saying go, concerns pee remaining on underwear?
it was something about no matter how many times you shake (your penis) , there will always be one more drop left? It was worded differently and it rhymed
The infamous hospital gown?
Any time I've had an injection in the hospital, they have only moved down the waistband of the underwear until enough of my buttocks were exposed so the shot could be administered. Not removed them entirely.
Is it normal to feel like you can do anything one minute and feel useless the next?
Keeping your motivation high is a problem for anyone setting audacious goals, not just entrepreneurs. And just keep thinking about all the positives you'll have from this. Take care always
Wearing the "wonderful" hospital gown?
When wearing a hospital gown with underwear (tighty whities) underneath,do the tighty whities (briefs)have to come off when receiving an injection in the butt? I've been told they will have to come off for the injection,is this true that they have to come off?
Painful glans after circumcision?
10 - 14 days healing period. Unless bathing, try to keep the area clean and dry. When bathing, wash gently and pat dry. You'll be fine.
Which are the Internet Explorer/Trident Based browsers that are still being updated?
I know there are some that suddenly stopped development like The World Browser a href="" rel="nofollow" and Acoo Browser (a href="" rel="nofollow"
Is it better to be pessimistic?
Theres a difference between optimistic and ignorant and optimistic and careful. A good doctor can be optimistic, but still realize that care is needed. Your world view doesn't have to affect the way you treat patients. Optimists are usually happier, but that doesn't mean they're all ignorant. Pessimistic people aren't very fun to be around.
Im starting bonsai with silver maple seedlings.?
and i want to know how to grow lower branches and not have a tall tree...and if silver maples are good for bonsai like Japanese maples and trident maples.
So...what would I call myself?
"I don't believe in God." You're atheist. The rest is just opinion. You can be agnostic and atheist; the two terms are not mutually exclusive.
Go with my family or stay home?
so stacy... im going to assume your a girl... i think you should go! you will regret not going if not when they are gone or when you are older and looking back at life. be fortunate of the opportunities you and have and take advantage! dont let you brother ruin you vacations and remember it takes 2 to fight!
Thursday, July 14, 2011
What is sugar alcohol ?
Its in sugar free gum like Trident layers.(which i chew alot. A pack a day on average..) anyway i notice that my teeth started hurting after about 3 months of this. So yea uh does sugar alcohol erode teeth?
You also might have read on the box that it contains PHENYLKETONURICS: CONTAINS PHENYLALANINE. I have read about and don't know what to think. What do you know about this?
Rate/fix my Dragunity Dark Simorgh deck?
ya might want a Dragunity Tribus, so you could dump a monster. i'd say it's pretty good, but 1 dd crow should be ok, a caius or necro should replace that. otherwise, the deck's pretty stable.
Are there still any other good video card makers besides Nvidia and ATI?
For quite some time now, it seems that Nvidia and ATI (now owned by AMD) have been the only two major brands of video cards that most people consider for intense graphical applications and games. Some years ago, I remember there being other popular brands such as Matrox, S3, Diamond, Trident, and others. I think Nvidia and ATI make great products, but I'm just curious, are there still video cards being made by any other companies that are good for gaming and other 3D-intense applications?
The infamous hospital gown?
When wearing a hospital gown with underwear (tighty whities) underneath,do the tighty whities (briefs)have to come off when receiving an injection in the butt? I've been told they will have to come off for the injection,is this true that they have to come off?
What are some commercial vegan breath fresheners?
well, my first thought was to suggest mint leaves(peppermint or spearmint), or basil leaves. I do not know why you would not want to try these natural leaves, or use regular breath mints(they are vegan)-they are healthy, cheap, and transportable. If you are vegan though-why would you not want to use breath mints-they contain oils of the mint leaves. Go to your local health food store and they will have natural breath mints galore. Have a healthy day!
How do you get a 6 year old boy from stop peeing and pooping in his pants?
So I have a step son...and if he is on the computer or on the PlayStation and don't want to get off he just pees and poops in his pants...I truer grounding him...washing out his underwear..but he does it like nothing...Then he dose it all over again the next day...He is fixing to be in 1st grade...what can I do to make him stop?????
What's with words and designs on bras and panties?
What's the point of words ad stuff on underwear by PINK from Victoria's Secret? And what's the point of really fancy and cute designs on bras AND underwear, also how they will make the bras and panties in sets so they match? I don't get it, what's the point? And I'm talking about all brands that do this, not just VS.
Are you worried about our economic future?
The economy is not recovering and the Obama policies are destroying the ability of the economic engine of the United States to recover. The disastrous economy of Jimmy Carter (D) was far worse than the situation Obama inherited from Bush. The policies of Ronald Reagan were almost exactly the opposite of the policies of the Obama administration and the country experienced a robust recovery and a period of job creation that was outstanding. Instead, Obama has chosen a path of big government and wasteful spending to pay off the unions and a host of Obama special interest groups with the so-called stimulus money. Where is the stimulus. All they can say is, "It could have been so much worse." No President, other than Obama, has ever been able to get away with this outrageous position without a direct challenge of his policies. Has the press challenged Obama? NO, and they will not. Who is there to vote for in 2012? Certainly not Mitt Romney or John Hunstman. I would simply stay home if they are the candidates. I would enthusiastically vote for Ron Paul or Michele Bachmann.
Want to send something special to a man I've been dating for 2 months.?
I've been dating a man for 2 months and I am very excited about him. He is great! I'm very optimistic that this will turn into something very special. I want to send something nice to his job but I'm not really sure of what to send, I was checking out the edible arrangements or flowers....any ideas? He is a detective and Mondays are usually a very hard day for him. I just thought it would be nice if i sent something to his job tomorrow just to start his day off with a smile.
What do you think of my story?
To be honest I got bored. I almost stopped but decided to read on. You just need to add a little pazaz if you know what I mean. What I read was boring but could be the start to something better. Maybe you could say what happened and how the girl got there or something more and exciting.
Wet panties....could i be pregnant?? ttc?
I woke up this morning and I noiced my underwear we wet but only on the crotch part. Could this be a indication that I'm pregnant? I have been ttc. My cervis feels I guess hard but alil soft on top. I'm really hoping so!
How do I remove period blood from my underwear?
I just woke up and my pad was full so I changed it and there was a stain there. So how do I remove it? Thankyou<3
Girlfriend said that my underwear can be called knickers?
a girlfriend calls the type of underwear i wear knickers. i'm meaning boys high cut knickers with a thin bit of elastic round the sides,not girls type. i'm used to her saying to me get your knickers on, or something. now i've started calling them knickers too. do many girls use this term for boys underwear? she said they can be called that, and said it sounds more cute with me? what does she mean?
How much would my PC be worth in 3 years?
Its PB ixtreme with 1035T, 6 GB RAM, 5570 (which I will be upgrading to either 6950 or for the 7950 or nvidia equivalent), 1,5 TB HDD, multi-in-one card reader and DVD-super multi drive. I bought it for 999€ (overpriced, but I needed new pc asap). I'd hope it would cost some 400€. Too optimistic or...?
Kids ages 6,3, & 2, is it ok to let run around in just their underwear?
I have 1 boy ( age2) and the girls are 3 & 6 it's over 100 degrees and they are hot the girls have panties and little tank and the boy just underwear. I did t have a problem cause they are so little but my friend came over and said it was gross and left is it really that bad?
Bleeding During Lacrosse?!?
Okay so I am in this lacrosse camp (I am 15 and a girl) and everyday we have practice then scrimmages. This camp started two weeks ago and goes on until like August. But anyways, today during the game I was defending this girl and she goes to shoot, so I step in to try to block it. I honestly don't even know what happened, but I think that I got pushed because I fell on the ground and into the goal post. It hurt SO badly and I was so scared I couldn't even talk. The two coaches (Both girls, about 23 & 25) came running over and like tried to get me to sit up and talk. My nose was bleeding like crazy but other than that I thought I was fine. So I go to the sideline, and the game starts again. Then out of no where my underwear feel all wet. I look down and theres blood all over my shorts. So I go to my coach "Kelly, I'm bleeding..." and she was like "Do you have your period...?" and I go "No!" And then like my other coach starts freaking out and called my sister to come pick me up. It totally stopped when I got home though. What on earth was that?!?!?
So parents, help a teen out here , am i being used :/?
I think you are being used. You should find a gf that appreciates you, and obviously doesn't have someone else. You should be the only one. Good luck :)
Large bump on vagina, what could it be?
It's gotten a little smaller but I only recently noticed it. I'm a virgin. I'm not sure what it could be, maybe an infection? I never wear underwear even when wearing jeans so idk. Thanku.
Looking for a Ross quote.?
I cant think of the quote off of Friends where Ross makes fun of Chandler for his "guess what" jokes. How when someone says "guess what" Chandler says: The fifth dentist caved and now they all recommend trident?
Does anyone know the name of this song...?
It was used in some of the new trident commercials, and has lyrics that include "I just came to say hello."
Is anyone out there still optimistic about the future of the US?
With all the horrible economic signs that are almost as bad as the Great Depression it seems tough to be optimistic. The middle class is being beaten silly. We are fighting wars in Afghan, Iraq, Libya, Yemen, Pakistan, etc. This is all topped off with our leadership in Washington being a laughing stock. Not to mention what is going on in Greece because of the IMF and their austerity measures; coming to a country near you.
Delayed period, worried please help?
I've been the same way when I was younger like you. Haha. I'd do something minor and if my periods late I'd think I'm pregnant. But in reality, there's no possible way you can get pregnant or anything just by that. If your cramping and all, then you're probably bout to start. Don't stress it, you're fine girl :)
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
How can I improve my Dragon Deck?
trident dragon is usually good but honestly i would make the deck based more around dragons. Take out jinzo definately, dont waste your time on fearing traps. morphing jar yea and no...its slow and it helps your opponent. cause if they attack it, they just got a new hand to do what ever they want with and can usually bring some great combos. Dont use sangan. no point trust me its slower for dragons than you think. i also think you should take out necro gardna because you dont have good enough mill cards for him being useful. 2 totem dragons a future fusion and 5 headed dragon would be useful. They thing about five headed dragon is the milling, even if you dont want to or get to summon him, you got to put 5 dragons in the grave. (2 totem dragons would be amazing and you could add in 3 wred eyes wyverns) Debris dragon is a really good card and can bring back totem dragon if you have him. Prime material dragon can prevent destruction(also prime plus debris= trident). I always like magna drago cause he could be searched out with masked dragon and was a 2 star tuner. Btw goyo guardian is banned now. try to get a couple dark bribes instead of seven tools. that way you can prevent magic or trap. you wouldnt really need dut tornado with solemn and 2 bribes and prime. heavy storm is banned as well....the deck feels like its too afraid you kno? you have soo much defnese you willl be stalling alot instead of commanding the field like you should
What does your period look and smell like?
i was just on my laptop and my stomach hurt but i didnt have like cramps and i felt like i kinda farted but it was watery so i went to the restroom to check and it was like two brown spots on my underwear and it smelt like poop turning 12 next month...........did i start it?
How do I create a best name for my company?
I need a name to register manpower consultant and transporting company. How can i choose a meaningful name like interface global services, infiniti support services, synergie, trident something that sort of which sounds international ??? any suggestions ????
R&P: Prove me wrong...are good SCREAMERS necessarily good SINGERS?
Well, I'm not really a screamo fan, so I don't think they're good singer but whatever, i could be wrong. Anyway I had tennis this morning and the same kinda thing happened today. We were playing doubles and I could NOT get my serve down I felt horrible because the other girls could get it in. I am pretty good but I JUST COULD NOT GER MY SERVE IN! So don't feel bad, we got this (:
My bf and I have barely any time to spend together and it is hurting our relationship?
I think he's getting burned out, and when he hangs out with you he's just dying tired. I know it's tough because I am also in a long distance relationship with the same type of guy for 6 years! I know it REALLY sucks. The biggest thing is patients, but if your truly un-happy then maybe you guys should take a break. Maybe there is someone out there that can fulfill your needs and wants and you can be truly happy. Everything comes at a cost, it'll fer sure hurt but you either stay with him and settle for it is what it is, or go out there and look for a change. You shouldn't revolve around his world it should be equal.. Sigh..
Please tell me if pregnant or not?!?
My sister had sex last Friday 06/24/11 she was so upset about it. Lord forgive her though. They day after she took the Plan B pill. And earlier today she went to pee and she noticed like a light blood in her underwear. We googled and it said implantation but then we looked up side effects of the Plan B pill and it said within a week it makes most women bleed and knocks their cycle off track. It said the bleeding starts off light and then eventually gets lighter. She had her period the week before last so basically 3 weeks. Can someone please tell me do you think she is pregnant or do you think that she is not?
What is the best weight training supplement?
I have carried out a lot of online research and in doing so I am confusing myself. I want to start weight training seriously and my main goal is to get freakishly big and cut all body fat... ok maybe a bit of an optimistic target but may as well aim big (no pun intended). Exactly which supplements are the best... and I am looking for links to products or actual details not a response like "hey dude try going to the gym more" or "drink protein shakes"
Do I suffer from depression?
Oh my gosh that's so sad. I'm sorry that happened to you. No one at such a young age should ever expiriance that. And when you're older everyone treats you like crap? You should dump that *^%$$#!&%$#@$ of a girlfriend she is! Stand up for yourself! Your full of worth. Let music guid you if that's what you really love. Life is tough, and you seem like a strong person. Who cares what other's think? Only what you think matters most, because that is the only person who can set things right. Don't worry, it will be okay.
Lgbt; For shy people, is it possible that someone else will make the first move, when asking someone out?
Is it possible that there would bf someone who would make the first move or is this being too optimistic, I haven't come out, will I ever meet another girl that likes me? Is it possible to meet a companion in public places without joining any clubs?
Any experts on SYMBOLS here?
I have been dreaming of the same symbol over and over again. It's a cross but the horizontal line continues and goes down. The line then forks into a sort of inverted trident. at the upper right side there are four parallel vertical lines of different sizes. Any experts here?
Do you think it is nasty that my dad walks around the house naked?
he takes a shower, gets out then walks by everyone in the house to go get underwear on! and every thing freaking hangs out and the worse part is that he is fat, not skinny. But it is REALLY nasty to me, but i have just gotten use to it now since he does it all the time! but i in NO WAY like it ! Ha that's disgusting, but do YOU think that it is so effin nasty that he should just stop, or do you think that it doesn't matter because he is just my dad..? BTW my parents aren't married they just live together, but my mom is making plans to move to vegas soon. :/
My vagina itches and i also have a discharge what can this be?
Its not sore or anything it just itches yes ive had sex before , but i have no idea what this is caused by the discharge dosent smell but everytime i go pee my underwear is full of this white stuff and my vagina too please help?
Vaginal delivery of twins. Who has done it? What were your experiences?
My aunt had her twins delivered via vaginal but with epidural. It all goes to whether your gynae recommends it since s/he knows your condition best.
Which Watch Should I Get?
I have about $350 and I want to buy a nice watch. I usually prefer the Dive watch or the hefty well build watch look. My original choices were between the Seiko Black Monster, Citizen Eco Drive, Luminox, Traser, Reactor Trident. Can I get some advice on which movement you prefer, which model you like out of those or another model you can think of, and the usual life expectancy the watch chosen. I also prefer the stainless steel or maratac watch bands over rubber. I really would like to get a Marathon Tsar but I'm not sure if I could spent $500 for a watch but if you look at it in the long run I'd have the watch for probably 20+ years. I'm just so confused :(
Is anyone else having a problem with youtube 2011?
Yez youtube sucks now u can never find any thing u want bec so many idoits keep putting **** all over it
*******RANDOM POLL!******* GIRLS, ONLY! :)?
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Do you think America can recover again from this era of economic and global problems?...Im scared for my futur?
Your right, the future of this couintry is questionable today and to the future. Keep the faith, that,when it' election time, vote, and there are some politicians in office worry about the same things, but they need support. As far as the wars go, well, not much we can do on that, 9-11 happened, and we went after bin laden, Iraq, no idea really, Korea, well it's a cease fire,so we are technically still at war, Bosnia, just a killing of people war, we got involved, Libya, we've been at odds for years and years. As individuals, not really much we can do,accept what the government does, support the troops, and write your senators. Weather disasters are everyday of the year,all year long,since the planet was here. Nothing ya can do abot weather,earthquakes,volcanoes. YOur not alone, many people feel the way you do. It's like God, never met him, people talk about him, red about him, but I have faith and trust in God, and the same with the U.S. The government,will, I'm sure,will always protect the people.
My new draunity deck. just got all the cards. tell me what you think.?
your deck is very similar to one a friend of mine has. for this deck i would drop shield wing and nobleman of crossout (nobleman is used in side decks since it cripples gravekeepers and people that set a lot but not all decks set nowadays). Instead of shield wing, you could use spirit reaper to protect your life points. and insted of the noblemans, add 1 book of moon and another d prison. Another alternative, if you can afford it, is to remove the shield wings for solemn warnings and instead of an additional d prison, change it for a solemn judgment and your deck would pretty much be finished.
How do I put on a pantyliner?
Nothing's wrong with it. You seemed to have put it on the right way, if you want play around withe the location of it till you feel comfortable or get a new brand. I like Kotex, it's cushion-y but thin.
I think I might be depressed, am I?
You might not be depressed. You might have social anxiety which is pretty much the fear of talking to people. It is good you are more confident and bad you put yourself down a lot. Thinking like that could get you depressed. For the dreams, they seem like an escape. Try talking to your parents or peers about it and try to not be embarrassed because there is nothing to be embarrassed about. If you want to be known, try new things. Join a club, sport, get a phone, do things with your community. Find an active hobby like card games that would help you talk to people and get out to the world! Summer break is good right now, you'll have time to gain confidence. I'm 16 and tried that stuff. I found a hobby, joined a club and made some close friends. Think positive.
Is it semen or sweat on my underwear?
I woke up this morning with a tiny wet spot, like quarter sized. I do not think it was a wet dream because when I have had those the wet spot is much larger, ew I know, and today I smelled the little wet spot and it did not smell like semen at all. I have no idea what it could be. If it was a wet dream I would think it would at least smell like semen and be bigger, but I also don't know if it is sweat because I don't think sweat would leave a little wet spot and instead I would think it would be a damp feeling. I also don't think it is urine, because it didn't smell like that, it didn't really have a smell, just smelled like the rest of my underwear. Also the spot dried within like 20 minutes of me waking up. Please help me, this spot concerns me because I have an OCD about cleanliness. When I masturbate or have a wet dream I wash my private area about 6 times and take a shower around 2 hours long to get clean, can someone also tell me if that is too much washing and how much washing is necessary to clean off all of the semen. Thank you in advance, and thanks especially for reading this entire question.
Objective statement for a janitorial position?
I need to type a resume for a third shift janitorial position, and im not sure what to put for the objective statement. What can i bring to a janitorial position? Some of my positive traits are that im very physically strong, very hard working, respectful, obedient, and optimistic. Can someone help me make this objective statement?
Rate/Fix my Junk Deck?
mirror force should be mained along with 2 solemn warnings take out the sakuretsu armors for d-prisons and it should run well
My period/discharge question help!?
I'm no doctor .. but that all sounds quiet normal to me . You said you haven't started your period ? And a clear - watery discharge is normal to have before & after your period . Since your getting this discharge ,, your period could be coming anytime . And since your a virgin .. you cannot be pregnant . And yeast infections include itching & a cottage cheese like discharge .
What song describes me?
i need help finding a song that describes me.... im pretty quiet and reserved around people i don't know well, but when im around my close friends im loud and bubbly and crazy. i tend to keep my emotions to myself and i don't let other people see me cry. im hesitant to enter relationships because im scared of getting hurt. i always act like im happy even when im not, but i usually do a pretty good job of staying optimistic about things. i like indie, rock, and folk music mostly.... please help!!
Is this a miscarraige or something related to pregnancy? please help?
three weeks ago on the 8th my boyfriend and i were messing around and he ended up getting pre-*** on his fingers and then touched me down there. On Saturday the 18th i got what i thought was my period. I had extremly bad cramps , my skin broke out, and i was kind of bloated. It stopped sunday night which is really weird for me because theyre usually 4-6 days long. I had light spotting on monday and tuesday. My friend suggested to take a pregnancy test so i took one on that wednesday the 22, which was 2 weeks from the wednesday when my bf was over. It came back negative. The same incident between my bf and i happend again the past tuesday the 28 which was day 11 of my cycle. I took a pregnancy test just now to see what it'd say and it was one of the ones with blue dye..the control screen had a really thick blue line on it and the positive screen had a really really realllyy thin, faint blue line.(could this be false or could it be true?)I havent gained weight Ive actually lost 2 pounds, i dont have morning sickness, and im not sensitive to any smells. Yesterday last night and today i woke up with weird discharge on my underwear. it was really dark and ive had two tampons in since and theyve all had the dark brown discharge and some blood. im having slight cramps atm, too. I am a competitive figure skater and fall alot (on my back or knee mostly) I skate 25+ hours a week. Ive taken some pretty nasty falls in the past couple weeks too.
I'm 14 and I sent my boyfriend nude photos?
My boyfriend and I have been together for about 7 months. He asked me for nude pictures and I foolishly gave them to him. I am only 14 and I am aware it is illegal but I didn't realize until after I sent them. He told me he wouldn't show anybody and I trusted him. I have no trust issues but I still worry what might happen if we break up? I have sent him 3 pictures total. In 2 I have on my bra, but in the other on, I am completely topless. He also wants one with my underwear of as well, I am just TOTALLY not ready for that. I deleted them from my computer and phone, but I have no clue if he still has them or not. I have only told my BEST friend about it and he asked to keep it a secret and I asked the same of him as well. I don't know what to do? Also, He hasn't talked to me since I sent him the 3rd one which was 9 days ago. I don't want to break up with him, I just want to have him forget about what happened and get rid of the pictures if he hasn't already. I am only 14 after all and our relationship should be kept age appropriate. if he wants to see my private parts, I should have made him wait until we were together and alone. I'm just really confused and I don't know what to do! Please don't tell me I'm dumb, a slut, a whore, or anything like that because I'm truly not. I'm quite modest but I love my boyfriend and we were ready I just don't think I should have given him pictures. I need help, I don't know who to talk to about it! Please answer!
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Atheists, Christians, Muslims, Jews, damn near everyone else, when are you going to get hip to the fact that?
we die every sec. it called nitya pralaya (dally lost ) you think about it like here foiling tith braking difference in every thing is going to end read bhagwatam
You also might have read on the box that it contains PHENYLKETONURICS: CONTAINS PHENYLALANINE. I have read about and don't know what to think. What do you know about this?
Having problems with my campers?
I work at a summer camp as a counselor and the children are too much! One of the campers has been flying a pair of underwear up the flagpole every day and it is interfearing with my job when I have to take it down every morning. What would you do?
I seem to be emotionally unstable...?
Since youre so young saying you have a disorder is really tough. It could be normal hormones os it could be ypu are bipolar or depressed. The internet cannot tell you if you are or not sweety. Really all you can do is go see a doctor.
Why is it that those who complain are free to do so, yet those of us who listen to them cannot?
We all know how "depressed" and suicidal" all these many people with "horrible," "God-awful," "worse-than-everyone-else's" are. But what of those of us that are optimistic, complain about life maybe once per year, hear them out, and try to fix all these problems. Then, when it bubbles up, and we need to vent, all we get is "hypocrite!" I mean, everyone needs a vent, so why is it that those who complain about everything get the comfort of those with usually equal problems, whom stay quiet about them, and when they finally need a vent, they are persecuted?
Rate my disaster dragon deck?
Not a bad disaster dragon deck! I suggest take out just 1 or 2 Koa'ki Meiru dragos 1 or 2 genesis dragons to recycle LADD. I agree, Koa'ki Meiru Drago doesn't kill the deck at all. It's quite useful for shutting down a number of decks.
350 join a rally to support the Government Cuts ........?
Refreshing to see people out showing support for government cuts. Spending other people's and other peoples' money is very popular unfortunately. How governments choose who to give foreign aid to is really questionable.
I have like four sides, is that strange at all?
* Sounds like you have bi polar disease. You have a Gemini Moon which often takes changeability to new levels. More detail needs to be listed here to make any specific comments about your personality. List the numbers that come with the planets as well as the house cusps.
Why do i feel like this.?
i'm almost always shaky. my stomach always hurts. i always feel nervous for no reason. i get like 3 hours of sleep at night if that no matter how hard i try. i feel distant from everything. im not very optimistic what so ever. why ?
I'm 23 and my tampons still leak?
Your best bet would be to change your tampon more often... and wear panty liners or thin pads. They are healthier than toilet paper (which can harvest bacteria.) If you are leaking so much, you just need to change them more, and always carry extra in your purse or small ones in your pocket.
Why am I so obsessed with my vagina?
It has to be spotless. I have never had Any kind of infection. EVER. When i use the bathroom I have to wipe myself with baby wipes; they always have to be in the house. It must be cleanly shaven/ waxed leavins a perfect row on trimmed hair. And it must smell clean. So i put lotion on it after i shower and keep unscented baby powder in my underwear. I bejewel it sometimes (known as Vajazzleing) and i keep it looking, smelling, and feeling great at alltimes. Im 16. Is this normal for my age?
Please help! Is this a good idea? Need some reassurance?
To be honest, that's really creepy. I would just flat out say you need some space. As much as you probably don't want to do that, I SERIOUSLY suggest it. It's not ok to go along with those possessive qualities OR to be a push over. Please talk to your friend in a loving, yet firm manner. I hope this helps.
Korean funeral tradition?
I live in California and visiting Korea in a few days to see my grandfather. The doctor says he will pass away today or tomorrow, which will be a day prior to my arrival. I am staying optimistic and hoping he will hold on a little longer so I can say goodbye. I read up on korean funeral traditions, but haven't found information on the specifics such as 'will I get to see his face one last time before 'they' take him away?' I know koreans do not practice embalming, but I'm still unclear of if they offer some kind of viewing. Please keep my family in your prayers... thank you.
Could I be pregnant from precum and foreplay?
I was naked and he was wearing briefs. We were rubbing against each other but nothing went in but I felt his precum. Is it possible that the precum got inside of my vagina? His penis didn't go in and he was wearing briefs but I'm afraid that something seeped through the underwear. Could I possibly get pregnant? Also, this was the day after my period ended.
How do I get my son to stop this sinful nonsense!?
I am a protective parent because I live in a world that does NOT have my family's best interest in mind most of the time. That is a fact we all must face. As such, I try to raise my children and husband to be FAITHFUL to the LORD GOD and respect MOTHER NATURE! I am sure many of you can agree with those same ideals. When I do the laundry I check to see if my son has been having wet dreams in his underpants. I only do this because it is the ONLY way I can get a straight answer about his masturbation, which is something I DO NOT believe is a good idea for teens to be doing. I think it is best to wait until marriage until doing ANYTHING sexual to your body. It just is the way LORD GOD intended. Lately I have been curious as to how he could be having SO MANY wet dreams in his underpants. Typically my sons have had them about once a week, not every night! He is aware of my checking seeing as I make no false attempts to hide my intentions and I worship no false idols. I think he has been trying to throw me off his track by masturbating into his underwear instead of into the carpet or kleenex. Not only has the frequency of his 'tracks' been rather high, it has also been in an odd place once or twice. I'm not a man or boy so I don't know what its like to have a weenis but I know perfectly well a semen track in the REAR END of a pair of male underwear does not happen by chance. I am very upset that not only has my son been disobeying my wishes but he has been openly deceiving me and has likely been relishing in the fact that his mother is touching his ejaculate. Why else would he continue this? My other sons obeyed because they knew how shameful it was to make their own flesh-and-blood mother touch their ejaculation streaks. I need a CHRISTIAN way to handle this situation. I will not lay a hand on my son, so DO NOT suggest anything of the sort. I love him and only want what is best for him. I DO NOT want him living a sinful life of sexual decadence where he freely releases his seed all over the house HIS FAMILY shares! Please, for those of you who have been through this (on either his end or mine), what do I do!? Thank you and GOD BLESS YOU AND AMERICA!
About left handshake?
hi , what does a left handshake means?? yesterday i had met a friend turned foe after 3yrs in a engagement... we just had a grin .. and he offered a left handshake suddenly, being optimistic i just hold his hand with my right hand for a sec and said hello......... can somebody tell me ,, is that a way to treat bad ?
I don't know if I want to stay married...?
If you are asking, then a part of you still wants it to work. Maybe do the best you can to save it... seek therapy, individual, family and couple. Make an honest effort. You will know what you want to do then. You can look at your husband and honestly say that you gave it your best shot and you don't feel that there's the potential for reconnection with the two of you. And, on the other hand, you may find yourself rediscovering why you married him and how important your family is to you. The key is to be completely honest with yourself and your spouse, whichever way you choose to move forward.
I need guy's advice. Girl's advice will help too though. S.o.s for my heart?
Sometimes a secret romance can be hot. But this sounds like he does not want others to know so he can be seen as available. You sound sweet! Good luck!
I think I'm being cheated on...?
Okay, I'm like 13, but it sounds a little suspicious..& I would ask him about it..lay the cards on the table.
What is the clear stuff in my underwear?
There is stuff in my underwear that clear. There is also a little bit of yellow. I know its wet because I can feel it. It started about three days after March 28th because on March 28th and a few days after that i had a little bit of brown stuff in my underwear. After that I've been having the clear stuff. But I think some of it's pee because sometimes it's yellow. But I never notice it until I feel the wet or I see it when I go to the bathroom. It's not my period because it's every single day. I don't think that's normal!!! My sister got her period when she was in 14 in 8th grade but im 13 in 8th grade. Does this mean I'm going to have my period soon. I'm too embarrassed to ask my mom, sister, or doctor. I'm kinda scared something is wrong with me because I might be peeing myself a little bit every day without noticing it. I'm really scared. Please, please, please help me!
Writing a story. Advice and rate?
OMG! i had a tear. you really put a lot of emotion into this and your writing has a strong voice. keep going. when its done get it published because i want to read the rest! its like one of those shows, you watch 1 episode and you're hooked.
What's wrong with my trident headset?
My trident headset is working as far as the sound and the settings bar, but when I try to talk, nothing. It was working find before. About a week ago I had to start thumping the voice tube trying to get it in a certain spot to work. Now it's not working at all, need advise besides getting a new headset.
Yu-gi-oh Deck building help Please?
are you trying to make a dragunity deck or what? cuz if you are, you definitely want two-three dux and two-three legionnaire. and you most definitely want three aklys and three dragons ravine
Please help, it's been really bothering me?
he'll probably talk about the options for you and set up another appointment when you have decided what you want to do
Monday, July 11, 2011
Is this a sign from god?!?
I'm tired of taking my dog out to pee so I put underwear on her and put a pad in it. A few hours later she had soiled the pad. Is this a sign from god thar she is a genius and knows the reason for the Pad?
Do most Christian sects have items like the "Prayer Towel" and "Lucky Angel Figurine" for sale?
Are these just the evangelical Christian sects that hawk merchandise to make prayer more effective? Or do they all do it? Someone told me Catholics sell relics and Mormons have magic underwear for getting answers to prayers.
Will someone summarize this for me ! 10 easy points !!!!!!!!!!!?
So they were trying to name a city. Athena and Poseidon both wanted it so they had a contest. Poseidon lets a spring of salt water out of the ground but no one can use it because it is salty. Athena gives them the olive branch and everyone likes it because it is so useful. So they called the city Athens. But Poseidon was not happy so he cursed the place so that their will be a shortage of water.
I'm stuck at being unhappy. How to get out of this?
watch some comedy movies ( or any that ur frnds like) so that u can share them with ur frnds and they will laugh hearing the comedy of movie. thus u can renew ur love. also when u tell thrm they too will tell u some thing fun so that u can enjoy frnds ir life..... lov u
Please help me :( i feel worthless?
well there is this guy ive known since 3rd grade....we never really started talking until last winter but we are VERY close now... he is my bestfriend... well i kind of developed a crush on him at the beggining when we first started talking, i told him... he didnt feel the same way and i got over it... well recently, wel were sitting on his porch and talking we thought that this was going to be the last day that we were going to see each other because he was supposed to be moving over the summer and i was going to be in another city (we live in the same naborhood) well he told me that he actually did like me when we first started talking but then stopped... so we actually did like each other at the same time... only when he stopped i didnt. well we were hugging alot that night, and when it was time to go... he leaned in to kiss me but as soon as our lips were about to touch the porch light came on and his dad came out telling him it was time for dinner... i just left. the next day we figured out that we could hang out for two more days... while we were sitting there he said "you know i think its actually gonna happen one day" i ask what and he goes "us going out" at this point my feeling are returning for him but he goes "i just dont want a summer girlfriend" well the day went on and he never tried to kiss me... when i went home and got on facebook he chatted me telling me that he isnt moving, and that he wish he would have kissed me and was reggreting not, in attempt of making a long story shorter... he kissed me the next day then i left for the other city cuz my parents have a summer buissnes thing there, then i found out ever monday and tuesday i would be coming home well last monday and tuesday we did kiss again and alot but only near the end when i was about to leave and it was kind of like a peck sort of thing, this monday (yesterday) i came back (now keep in mind that i was expecting him to ask me out when summer was over and i also forgot to mention that he said that he liked kissing me and that it felt right and that when ever he is around me he feels like he has to treat me like im his girlfriend and he also said that he doesnt really like me either he said he is confused) well anyway when i got there yesterday he shows me a picture of this girl with her boobs barally fitting in her shirt and really short shorts and he goes this girl likes me and smiles :)... he said she plays guitar and loves rock and is in a band :D <---- this is his face now (me and him are both obsessed with rock music and ive been trying to learn guitar for a while now) so i go, what your gonna ask her out? he goes i dont want a summer girlfriend... so i ask when school starts? he answers most likely... you have no idea how much it hurt when he said that i felt like he just kicked me in the stomach i wanted to cry... but i just laughed and smiled and said awww :3 good for you :] <--- me trying to fake smile. well ever since that momoent i have been feeling HORIBLE :'( ive just not been the same... even he noticed and was bugging me to tell him what was wrong.. i didnt say anything, every time i try to tell him when he hurts me it hurts him really bad because he hurt me and when i see him sad or hurt it makes me feel REALLY bad even if its net my fault, i didnt want that at the moment well this is really weird because ive never felt this bad for this long usually no matter what happens to me or no matter how bad i feel i usually get over it in at least a couple hours im VERY optimistic but i feel like crap i dont want to do anything i dont want to eat and i couldnt even sleep last night i almost cut my self ive NEVER done that or EVER thought about it i dont have anyone to talk to because the person i talk to about things like this is the person whe is causing the problem... i just dont know
I'm having breakdowns, and am worried it's connected a mental disorder. What should I do?
Tell your mom that you are worried and want to get a check up just to make sure everything is alright. If she doesn't let you, make an appointment anyways and have a friend go with you.
What inspires you daily?
It can be a goal, an idea, a religion, a person, ect. � What makes you strive for optimistic change?
IS MY GUM BAD?! someone help me?
Ok yeah im seriously asking his question. and its more of a what do you think i should do kinda thing. alrighty. my grandfather just gave me some gum. and it sounds delicious. Its trident but its like citrus flavored with blackberry in the middle. Sounds ammmmmazing right? and you have no idea how excited i was and how much i would like to eat it. well then i saw it says best by july 31 2009. and i was all wtf!!!! but really does gum go bad? like so bad itll kill me. my question is, do i risk it all and eat this life changing gum? should i? should i?!
Has anyone seen transformers 3?
Did you enjoy the movie? Are there still plenty of corny jokes like the previous film (i.e. turturro taking off his pants and revealing his underwear for no apparent reason)?
Can we ever justify using TRIDENT and spreading nuclear fall out?
Unless someone can show me that a crystal ball works and they can see into the future then we need the big stick. It is there to point out to idiot leaders and sane leaders that mess around and get a first strike in, then your country will soon be a smoking hole in the ground. The genie is out of the bottle, mankind can never put it back.
How to be satisfied doing the best u can?
Sometimes I am accuused of being lazy but I am tired and fatigued. It does make you feel alot better to clean open and open the windows atleast. You want to be a workaholic but you are too lazy to begin. I think u are setting unrealistic goals for yourself. At least accomplish 2/3 chores a day like wahing dishes vacuum wash clothes etc... everyday. Write then down and check them off if you need to. You can also try a personal mantra to repeat in your headnso that you arent overcome with negative thoughts. Something life I AM HAPPy, life is beautiful.
Honest answers about worthiness. 10 pts awarded.?
Guys/Girls and everything in between, I pose upon you this question: do you REALLY think it's possible for ANY guy to get ANY girl? I don't want any overly optimistic or severely pessimistic mean answers: just honest opinions. I will give 10 points to the best answer.
What is wrong with me?
Ok so a few days ago i went to the bathroom and in my underwear was like some slimy stuff. idk what it is but it is NOT blood. its been like that ever since and i have to put a piece of tissue there just incase. it looks like doo doo and its really brown and slimy and every time i wipe in the shower really really good nothing shows up on the rag. and when i wipe with tissue nothing shows up but little brown marks like i just did number 2. can someone tell me what this is coming from my vagina. thanks. serious answers plz
Is your college experiences a good indication of how your life will be?
Because if it is, I'm not too optimistic about the future. My college experience has been blah. I've had great semesters academically speaking, and crappy semesters academically speaking. I'm not depressed about it anymore. I just keep going, but yeah it hasn't been perfect. I know it seems like a really stupid question, but am I going to be like this after college to? I feel like I never have it together. Idk if that's my own insecurity or if that's how it really is. Does it get better?
Could this be a miscarraige or something related to pregnancy..please help?
three weeks ago on the 8th my boyfriend and i were messing around and he ended up getting pre-*** on his fingers and then touched me down there. On Saturday the 18th i got what i thought was my period. I had extremly bad cramps , my skin broke out, and i was kind of bloated. It stopped sunday night which is really weird for me because theyre usually 4-6 days long. I had light spotting on monday and tuesday. My friend suggested to take a pregnancy test so i took one on that wednesday the 22, which was 2 weeks from the wednesday when my bf was over. It came back negative. The same incident between my bf and i happend again the past tuesday the 28 which was day 11 of my cycle. I took a pregnancy test just now to see what it'd say and it was one of the ones with blue dye..the control screen had a really thick blue line on it and the positive screen had a really really realllyy thin, faint blue line.I havent gained weight Ive actually lost 2 pounds, i dont have morning sickness, and im not sensitive to any smells. Yesterday last night and today i woke up with weird discharge on my underwear. it was really dark and ive had two tampons in since and theyve all had the dark brown discharge and some blood. im having slight cramps atm, too. I am a competitive figure skater and fall alot (on my back or knee mostly) I skate 25+ hours a week. Ive taken some pretty nasty falls in the past couple weeks too.
A senstive time @ an organisation !!?
My organisation is going through a redundancy of employment.. And i shall conduct a short meetig to all of my employees as a manager. What should i say and how to keep them optimistic and understanding for the current situation. Putting in mind that i might be one of those whom the organisation might release as i have an invitation for a meeting at the HR department and all of my staff knows that.
Does this girl care about me or is she using me please read :(?
She's stringing you along. Obviously you boost her ego. I would end it, because if you two ended up together she would likely find a new you to flirt with behind your back .She doesnt sound like a good person.
Unemployed and Depressed (offer me some help and words of encouragement please)?
i am currently unemployed since last year I'm now finding out that i am getting depressed because soon it will be the anniversary of me being fired(7/26/10) i can take some blame of me being fired but i was a hard worker and dedicated to doing my job. i did have seasonal work with ups over Christmas holiday season yet the minor job seems so small now. i am a African American female 28 years old and now have 2 move back with my mom i do not like this fact i don't hate it but i cant complain either my son is going for the summer with dad my girlfriend isn't working either due to an injury. i feel like what am i doing wrong am i to non optimistic? i do attend church and pray regularly, look daily online for jobs, try and keep a smile on my face(it's harder now being unemployed),go to a back to-work program and was recently kicked out of a work experience program due to absence and documentation, i have picked up a couple of hobbies and attending school to be certified in computer repair technician. i feel so unhappy and sometimes question why god doesn't want me to work,will i ever find work,i over analyze certain things. i know all I'm seeing is my failure but how can you see your success if failure is winning? i am thankful for the experiences i have been through it has taught me a lot. everyday i try and be happy on the outside and keep a bubbly happy persona when on the inside i am dying no money has taken my joy and spirit and i was never like this i don't know what to do anymore sometimes i feel like committing suicide but rather not. i also question my purpose. i sound depressing i know but i feel like the happy me i once was is trapped inside wanting to come out but doesn't know how. having money doesn't equate happiness but knowing you have limited funds isn't making me feel great making decisions over enjoying yourself. all this to say that becoming unemployed can be depressing and has anyone else felt this way?
Light/medium brown spider with gold stripe?
A little, very speedy brown body spider just ran from my corner (where a backpack and a few stuffed animals lay) half way across the room and then onto my shaggy black carpet and trident to bury itself. I quickly laid a peic of cardboard over the area I had seen it burry itself and stomped... Several times. It had a stipe down it's head (or butt... Too squished to completely examin) and one side hat I believe was the butt, was a shiny, plastic looking light/medium thing shaped like a short cartoon candle. Except fatter and shorter. It wasn't half an inch big, but I think it may have been a young spider. I live I the south us
Why are some girls so sensitive?
You asked the question then, they then whine about the answer you give them, and people say be more sensitive because she's a girl.. WHAT? Why can't she be Trident like every other human being? because she is a baby and that is why.
The infamous hospital gown?
When wearing a hospital gown with underwear (tighty whities) underneath,do the tighty whities (briefs)have to come off when receiving an injection in the butt? I've been told they will have to come off for the injection,is this true that they have to come off?
Girls: Do you find my personality attractive?
Well honestly I find it attractive. I dont know if its because im the same way? But more guys should be like you! I was home schooled for 15 years im in a public school now:) Your one-of-a-kind.. Most guys dont show feelings they act like jerk-offs. Once a girl gets to know your personality she will fall in love with you. Because I just did as well! Be yourself and you will find what your looking for, guaranteed.! And I couldnt tell if your attractice because I havent seen a picture nor have I met you.. But your personality is what matters the most and, yes it is VERY attractive:D
Chewing expired gum. I'm chewing as I type!?
That's kind of gross, but my sister ate chocolate candy that was like from 3 past Halloweens ago a while back when we were kids, and she said it tasted just fine. Also, she didn't get sick or anything. I think you'll be okay though! Lol -- as long as it's like, not hard or the flavor is out.
What is the most christian thing to do?
Tell him how much you care about him and all the good things going on in life. Tell him all the trauma it would cause to you and others who care about him. Tell him that if he dies it will screw up your life and other people's lives. It's not for him to live its for you. Tell him that if he isn't going to live for himself tell him to do it for you at least. Tell him you need him in life and that you cant live without him. Tell him all the things he would miss out on life.
Gladiator v.s Viking?
Gladiators would not have used most of the weapons you refer to historically. There were many types that had different weapons and each one was trained only in those weapons. Also, vikings were not mercenaries per say. Most served under a king and were regular soldiers. The Viking was trained to fight in a shield line, not one on one. In a one v one confrontation the gladiator still likely would've lost due to the fact that many vikings drugged themselves when going into combat making them extremely fierce.
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