Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Do you think America can recover again from this era of economic and global problems?...Im scared for my futur?

Your right, the future of this couintry is questionable today and to the future. Keep the faith, that,when it' election time, vote, and there are some politicians in office worry about the same things, but they need support. As far as the wars go, well, not much we can do on that, 9-11 happened, and we went after bin laden, Iraq, no idea really, Korea, well it's a cease fire,so we are technically still at war, Bosnia, just a killing of people war, we got involved, Libya, we've been at odds for years and years. As individuals, not really much we can do,accept what the government does, support the troops, and write your senators. Weather disasters are everyday of the year,all year long,since the planet was here. Nothing ya can do abot weather,earthquakes,volcanoes. YOur not alone, many people feel the way you do. It's like God, never met him, people talk about him, red about him, but I have faith and trust in God, and the same with the U.S. The government,will, I'm sure,will always protect the people.

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